
What FunDeSci aims for?

Our Goals

  • Our platform aims to facilitate the progression of scientific research by providing a means for researchers to seek funding.

  • Enhance the accessibility of funding for scientific research projects.

  • Establish a network of investors and researchers with a shared interest in promoting scientific progress.

  • Promote collaboration and innovation within the scientific community.

  • Facilitate the convergence of academia and industry by establishing a platform for research initiatives to secure funding and potentially transition into commercial ventures.

  • Utilize blockchain technology to promote transparency and accountability in the funding process.

  • Facilitate an avenue for non-conventional investors to engage in financing scientific research initiatives.

  • Enhance the general populace's comprehension and admiration of scientific inquiry and its prospective influence on the community.

  • Collaborate with various organizations and institutions to provide grants and other funding opportunities to qualified scientists.

  • Our top priority is to consistently enhance the platform's functionality and security measures to guarantee a favorable user experience.

Last updated